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Uploading a Release

A complete guide for submitting your release.

Updated over a week ago

How do I upload my release?

Releases can be uploaded directly through our platform. We have made the process incredibly easy, guiding you through every step and ensuring that we have all the necessary information to get your release onto stores with minimal hassle.

Creating a new release

  1. To get started with uploading your release, click “Create New” at the top of the platform, followed by clicking “Create Release”.

  2. You’ll need to give your release a title and then select the label you want this release to appear under. Once you’re happy with the title and label, click “Create a Release” and you’ll be redirected into our release editor.

Providing your release information

The first stage of the release editor allows you to provide the top-level information about this release including your artwork, artists, contributors and release date.

  • Title: Give your release a title, be sure not to include any artist names here, they can be added further down.

  • Version: If this release is an Instrumental, Radio Mix, etc. you can enter the version description here. If this is the original version or you don’t have anything to put here, this field is optional.

  • Record Label: Here you can adjust the label the release should appear under. Note that once a release has been released to stores, we’re unable to change the Label.

  • Music Genre: You should select the genre your release best fits into. Once you set a Primary Genre, you’ll have the option to select a Sub-genre and if available, a Niche Genre. Some stores, including Apple Music, use this information to place your release on the correct category so ensure it best fits the release.

  • Recording Location: You should set where this release was recorded.

  • Existing UPC: If you’ve released this product previously, you can opt to provide the UPC it was previously distributed under. This helps platforms, specifically TikTok, merge your track and carry over the stream counts.

  • Artwork: Upload your artwork per the guidelines listed on the page. At minimum it should be 2000 x 2000 in size.

  • Artists: You can add all of your artists here. If necessary, you can create new profiles and provide the store links so we can correctly link their music to the correct accounts.

  • Contributors: List all of the contributors which appear on every track in this release. If a contributor only appears on one track, you can add that at the track level. We’ll automatically contributors here to every track on this release.

  • Release Date: Set when you want your release to go live. It is recommended that this is 2 weeks in the future, to ensure the release can be pitched to stores correctly.

  • Previous Release Date: If you’ve released this product previously, you can set the date at which it was originally published here.

  • Pre-order: You may opt to activate a pre-order campaign for this release. This is available on both Apple Music and Amazon Music. You can set the date this campaign should go live here.

Once you’ve provided all of the information above, click “Save Changes”. If the system detects any errors, you’ll see the field highlight in red. Please fix the issue and try again.

Uploading Tracks

We make it super easy to upload all of the tracks for your release at once. When you’re on the “Tracks” page, click “Add Tracks”.

From here, you’ll be able to drag and drop all of your audio files into this window. Each track will upload one at a time and once complete click “Upload Tracks”. This will attach each of those tracks to the release.

You’ll see all of the tracks appear on your release, you can then begin verifying and finalising the metadata for each of the tracks.

Editing Track Metadata

Every track you upload will require you to verify the metadata, ensuring that all of the fields are filled in correctly. You can begin to edit the metdata by clicking “Edit” next to each track. A window will pop-up so you can begin to provide the meatdata.

  • Title: This is the title of the track that you’re uploading. We’ll automatically take this from the file name of the audio file which was uploaded

  • Version: If this is a DJ Mix, Instrumental or Radio Edit of a particular track, you can set that value here, otherwise it can be left blank.

  • Lyrics: If your track has lyrics, it’s important you note the language of these lyrics correctly.

  • Advisory: If your track contains explicit terms, you should set that here. If this track is a Clean version of an explicit track on this release, you can also set that here.

  • ISRC: If you’ve previously released this track, you can set the existing ISRC here. This helps stores link the track with the original upload and where possible, carry over the stream counts.

  • Audio File: You’ll be able to see the audio file you originally uploaded here and if required, replace it.

  • Artists: Here you can provide the artists for this track. You’ll notice that the ones listed from the release are automatically copied. If there’s a featured artist on this particular track, you can add them here

  • Contributors: Similar to artists, these are copied down from the release level. If you have other contributors you wish to list for this particular track, you can add them here.

  • Enhanced Audio Files: If you have an Apple Digital Master or Dolby Atmos file, you can provide those versions of tracks here.

  • Lyrics: If your track has lyrics, you can provide them here. They should be provided in accordance with the style guidelines for lyrics.

  • Rights holders: If you wish to customise the right-holder information for this specific track, you can do so here.

  • Publishing Information: While not required, it’s highly recommended that you provide as much of this information as possible.

Once you’ve provided all of this information, click “Save Changes”. The system will validate the information provided and highlight any errors you may need to address.

Adjusting the track-order

You may wish to adjust the order of the tracks listed on your release. You can do this by clicking and then dragging the individual track into the correct place.

The track order is saved when you click “Next Step”. Note that once a release has been submitted to stores, the track order cannot be changed.


Sometimes you may need to leave our team a specific note about this release. Whether that be a marketing plan or a specific operational request. You can do so by leaving that here. It should be noted that while we may every effort to fulfil these requests, leaving a note here does not guarantee it’s execution.

Confirmation & Submission

On the final page of the release process, you’ll be able to verify the information you’ve entered, see your track listing and then confirm the rights for this release before submitting.

Once a release has been submitted, it can take a few days for our team to review and then make delivery of the release to stores. You’ll be able to track the progress of the release by clicking “My Library” and monitoring the Status shown.

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