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Uploading a Video

A complete guide to uploading a video.

Updated over a week ago

Videos can be uploaded directly through our platform. We’ve made the process incredibly easy, guiding you through every step ensuring that we have all of the information to get your video onto stores with minimal hassle. Please note that a limited number of platforms support video delivery, you’ll find the current list of our video partners here.

Creating a new video

  1. To get started with uploading your video, click “Create New” at the top of the platform, followed by “Create Video”. If you don’t see this option, please message support through the platform and we’ll get your account set up.

  2. Give you video a title and select the label it should be released under. Once you’re happy with this selection, click “Create a Video” and you’ll be redirected to the video editor.

Providing your video information

The first stage of the release editor allows you to provide the top-level information about this video including the artists, contributors and release date.

  • Title: Give your video a title, be sure not to include any artist names here, they can be added further down.

  • Version: If this video is a behind the scenes or is a radio edit you can enter the version description here. If this is the original version or you don’t have anything to put here, this field is optional.

  • Record Label: Here you can adjust the label the video should appear under. Note that once a video has been released to stores, we’re unable to change the Label.

  • Language Setting: If your video contains lyrics, you’ll need to specify the language and set an advisory. If no are sung in the song, we consider this video to be an instrumental.

  • Language: Set the language the lyrics are sung in.

  • Advisory: If your video contains explicit terms, you should set that here. If this video is a clean version of an original video release, you can also set that here. Note that for a clean version to be accepted on stores, you must first deliver the explicit version.

  • Genre: You should select the genre your release best fits into. Once you set a Primary Genre, you’ll have the option to select a Sub-genre and if available, a Niche Genre. Some stores, including Apple Music, use this information to place your video on the correct category so ensure it best fits the video.

  • Release Date: Set when you want your video to go live.

  • Previous Release Date: If you’ve released this video previously, you can set the date at which it was originally published here.

  • Video Type: Here you can set the type of video you’re distributing. This includes the likes of a Music Video, Behind the Scenes video or a Lyric Video. Some stores don’t allow certain video types, so we may not deliver to a store based on the information you provide here.

  • Description & Tags: Here you can provide marketing information about this video. This information is used across stores including YouTube. Tags can also be included to help better rank your video in search results.

  • Artists: List all of the artists on your video here. You can add both main and featured artists and also adjust the order they should appear as.

  • Contributors: List all of the contributors which helped with this video. You can add as many contributors as you wish to ensure everyone is given the credit they deserved.

  • Link Track: If this video is a Music Video, you should link the track it’s a music video of. This helps the stores link back to the original track and improves the experience for listeners. You’ll only be able to search for tracks that are from the same label as the one you selected for this video.

Once you’ve provided all of the information above, click “Next Step”. If the system detects any errors, you’ll see the field highlight in red. Please fix the issue and try again.

Uploading your media

Provide your video thumbnail, video file and also set the preview time for stores like Apple Music.

  • You should at minimum provide a 1080p video. Our full video specifications can be found here.

  • Your thumbnail should be at minimum 1920 x 1080 in size and you’ll find the full specifications here.

Please note that some stores require videos to be submitted to a high standard so we may not be able to deliver your video if it doesn’t meet the requirements. Our team will notify you if this is the case.

Confirmation & Submission

Before submitting your video, confirm everything is correct. This should include checking you’ve set the title correctly, added all of your contributors and if possible linked this video to a track you’ve already delivered.

You can also leave our team notes for when they review this submission. Leaving a note however, does not guarantee that your request will be fulfilled.

Once your video is submitted, our team will review it within 72 hours. We’ll reach out if there’s any problems or we need additional information.

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